Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer! Woo!

Summer is finally here, yes i know lots of aplause for that =D
Especially the 1st day of summer, BEACH!!!!!!!!! fricken awesome, got a sunburn though... btw reapply sunscreen EVEN IF ITS OVERCAST >.<
Anyway, besides that freshman year was awesome, kinda sad for it to be over tho... oh well, made some new friends, got an awesome girlfriend ;), and didnt totally fail all my classes! pretty amazing to say the least.
So ya, summers gonna be awesome, lots of beach, friends, and chilling


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Foothill Tournament

This weekend Frosh-Soph had a volleyball tournament at Irvine High (idk why its called the foothill tournemt wen its not even at foothill hs)
So ya that was fun, we went 0-4 meaning NOW were about 0-11 for the season, put simply we SUCK :D
We got last place, but got 1st place in the amount of fun we had! (horrible phrase i know) but seriously, we chilled on the roof of Mike's motorhome most of the time and waited for Coach Kelley to shout at us to get down... pretty fun

so ya thats my weekend, l8r everyone

Friday, February 13, 2009


Apparently there is enough people to make a frosh-soph volleyball team, soo yeah I'm on frosh-soph now... not JV =P

New Hobby in Kaplans Class

So, in Ms Kaplans period 4 cultural geopraphy class, I sat in the far back corner of the room. But apparently Kaplan thought we were "too talkative" and changed our seats. When she announced my new seat, i just happened to still be in the back corner of the room, just on the opposite side! Whats the signifigance of this you ask? Well on THIS side of the room i happened to have a whiteboard with which I can doodle on. So in the middle of her lecture, i was so bored that i decided to draw smilies of them. Here they are:
Sean Nakada (aka Samurai):

Stephen Masnyj (he was mad at me for excessivly tapping my pencil at the time):

Eric Post (he thought it was funny and almost got me in trouble >.<)[idk why i added the braces just felt like it]:

And this:

Does it look like India?
Kaplan thinks so..

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


IF u read the title of this post, you probably can assume what i'm going 2 say in the next sentance. I MADE JV VOLLEYBALL!! :D Soo ya, thats pretty much the highlight of my life now, oh yeah and by the way, i had to switch period 7 Bio for my period 6 PE, so to all those people who were in my period 7, bye science was fun, best class EVAH; and to those in my PE class, CYA L8R! IM OUTTA PE FOR GOOD :D

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Church Band Brunch!!

Awesome....only word to describe it. Uber fun also :) but ya, I got to see all of my friends that i played with, ate some great food, got the new Wildside Band Schedule (playin on the 28th of Feburary & the 1st of March btw ;), and got to see all the great leaders. I need to say thanks to all the leaders who made the awesome food and organized the whole thing. so THANKS to: Taffy, Alanna, Dom, Stephanie and anyone else who helped out.

that is all....for now

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

1st entry!! WOO

well, I made a blog mostly because I was bored, and felt left out when tyler and phil were talkin' about ya here it is =)